How To Make Glitter Wrapping Paper Stick

How To Make Glitter Wrapping Paper Stick? [A Pro Guide]

Gift-giving is a joyous occasion, and what better way to make your presents even more special than with glitter wrapping paper? The glimmer and shine of glitter can transform an ordinary gift into something extraordinary. However, getting that glitter to stick to the wrapping paper can be a bit of a challenge. But understanding how to make glitter wrapping paper sticks will make your journey effortless.

Apply adhesive to wrapping paper, such as glue or double-sided tape. Sprinkle glitter generously over the adhesive area. Gently press the glitter into the adhesive to ensure it sticks. Shake off excess glitter and let it dry completely. To secure the glitter and prevent it from shedding, consider applying a clear sealant or hairspray over the glittered area once it’s dry.

In this guide, we’ll explore various techniques and tricks to help you achieve the perfect glittery finish on your wrapping paper. 

From adhesive options to sealing techniques, I’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions and handy tips to ensure that your glitter wrapping paper stays stunning and intact from the moment you wrap it until it’s unwrapped with delight.

5 Steps To Make Glitter Wrapping Paper Stick: Lean The Process: 

Discover the secrets to create dazzling glitter wrapping paper that stays put! Get ready to impress with your beautifully wrapped presents!

Step 1: Choose Your Wrapping Paper

Select a wrapping paper that suits your style and complements the occasion. Opt for a solid-colored or lightly patterned paper to allow the glitter to stand out. Ensure that the paper is smooth and free from any wrinkles or creases.

Step 2: Prepare The Adhesive

There are various options for adhesive, depending on your preference and the materials you have available. You can use a glue stick, liquid glue, or double-sided tape. If using liquid glue, apply a thin, even layer across the area of the wrapping paper where you want the glitter to stick.

If using a glue stick, rub it gently over the same area. Alternatively, if using double-sided tape, apply the tape to the desired area.

Step 3: Sprinkle Glitter

Once the adhesive is applied, it’s time to add the glitter! Sprinkle the glitter generously over the adhesive area, ensuring that it covers the entire surface. You can use a spoon, or shaker, or simply sprinkle it by hand. Shake off any excess glitter by gently tapping the paper or lightly blowing on it.

Step 4: Press The Glitter Into The Adhesive:

To ensure a secure bond, gently press the glitter into the adhesive using your fingertips or a clean, dry sponge. This step helps the glitter adhere firmly to the paper and minimizes the risk of it falling off later.

Step 4: Seal The Glitter (Optional):

If you want to prevent the glitter from shedding or rubbing off, consider sealing it with a clear sealant or hairspray. Spray a light, even coat of the sealant or hairspray over the glittered area, making sure to cover the entire surface. This will help to lock the glitter in place and provide some protection.

Step 5: Let It Dry:

Allow the glitter wrapping paper to dry completely before handling or wrapping your gift. The drying time can vary depending on the type of adhesive and sealant used, as well as the thickness of the glitter layer. 

Things To Consider When Making Glitter Wrapping Paper Stick: 

When making glitter wrapping paper, there are a few important factors to consider to ensure the best outcome:

  • Type Of Glitter:

Choose the right type of glitter for your project. Consider the size, color, and texture of the glitter to achieve the desired effect. Fine glitter provides a more subtle sparkle, while chunkier glitter creates a bold and dramatic look.

  • Adhesive Compatibility:

Make sure to use an adhesive that is suitable for the materials you’re working with. Certain adhesives may not work well with certain types of paper or may cause damage. Test a small area first to ensure that the adhesive and glitter adhere properly without damaging the wrapping paper.

  • Application Technique:

Apply the adhesive evenly and smoothly to create a consistent surface for the glitter. Use a brush, sponge, or applicator that suits the size and shape of the area you’re working on. Avoid using too much adhesive, as it can cause clumping or an uneven distribution of glitter.

  • Glitter Coverage:

Ensure that you cover the adhesive area with enough glitter for a vibrant and full effect. Sprinkle the glitter generously, and gently press it into the adhesive to create a strong bond. Shake off any excess glitter to avoid a messy finish.

  • Drying Time:

Allow sufficient drying time for the adhesive and any sealant used to set the glitter. Rushing the drying process can lead to smudging or smearing. Follow the recommended drying time indicated on the adhesive and sealant product labels.

  • Sealant Considerations:

Consider using a clear sealant or hairspray to seal the glitter and prevent shedding or transferring. However, be mindful that some sealants may alter the appearance of the glitter or wrapping paper, so choose a sealant that is compatible with your desired outcome.

5 Mistakes Should Be Avoided When Making Glitter Wrapping Paper Stick: 

When making glitter wrapping paper, it’s important to avoid certain mistakes to ensure a smooth and successful process. Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Using The Wrong Adhesive:

Using an improper adhesive can lead to the glitter not sticking properly or causing damage to the wrapping paper. Avoid using adhesives that are not suitable for the materials you’re working with. Choose adhesives specifically designed for paper or crafts to ensure proper adhesion.

  1. Applying Too Much Or Too Little Adhesive:

Applying an excessive amount of adhesive can result in clumping or a messy appearance. On the other hand, using too little adhesive may cause the glitter to not stick securely. Follow the instructions on the adhesive product and apply it evenly, ensuring adequate coverage for the glitter.

  1. Not Pressing The Glitter Into The Adhesive:

Failing to press the glitter into the adhesive can result in poor adhesion and the glitter easily falling off. After sprinkling the glitter, gently press it into the adhesive using your fingertips or a clean, dry sponge. This helps ensure a strong bond between the glitter and the wrapping paper.

  1. Ignoring Drying Time:

Rushing the drying time can lead to smudging or smearing of the adhesive and glitter. Allow sufficient drying time as indicated on the adhesive product label before handling or wrapping the gift. This ensures that the glitter stays in place and the wrapping paper remains pristine.

  1. Using A Sealant Inappropriately:

While a sealant can help prevent glitter shedding, using the wrong type or applying it incorrectly can affect the appearance of the glitter or wrapping paper. Choose a sealant specifically designed for crafts and follow the instructions carefully for proper application.

Related Questions:

Can You Use Any Type Of Wrapping Paper For Glitter Wrapping?

It is best to use a smooth and solid-colored wrapping paper or lightly patterned paper for glitter wrapping. Textured or heavily patterned papers may interfere with the adhesion of the glitter and result in an uneven or messy finish.
The smooth surface of the wrapping paper provides a better foundation for the adhesive and allows the glitter to adhere more effectively. Moreover, solid colors or subtle patterns help the glitter stand out and create a visually appealing contrast.

How Do You Prevent The Glitter From Falling Off The Wrapping Paper?

To prevent glitter shedding, it is important to ensure proper adhesion. Make sure to press the glitter firmly into the adhesive, ensuring good contact between the glitter and the wrapping paper. This helps to create a strong bond and minimize the risk of the glitter coming loose.

In addition, gently tap or shake off any excess glitter to remove any loose particles that may fall off later. If you want extra protection, consider sealing the glittered area with a clear sealant or hairspray. The sealant helps to secure the glitter in place and reduce the chances of it rubbing off or shedding during handling and transport.

Can You Reuse Glitter Wrapping Paper?

While glitter wrapping paper can create a stunning visual impact, it may not be as reusable as regular wrapping paper. Due to the nature of glitter, it can be challenging to remove all the glitter particles from the paper, especially after it has adhered firmly.

The glitter may also shed or transfer onto other surfaces, making it difficult to reuse the paper without the risk of leaving a trail of glitter. It is recommended to use glitter wrapping paper for special occasions or specific gifts to fully enjoy its sparkling effect.


This is how to make glitter wrapping paper stick in no time. Mastering the art of making glitter wrapping paper sticks can elevate the presentation of your gifts to a whole new level. So, embrace the sparkle, let your creativity shine, and delight your loved ones with beautifully glittered presents that make every occasion truly special.

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